How to pay your remittances by check
If the check payment feature is enabled for your network, you can remit payment by mailing a check to your referral network and logging that action through the online remittance feature. To do so, go to your remittances tab, enter the amount you want to pay on each remittance, and click the "Pay" button. Next click the "Pay by check" toggle at the top of the modal, enter the check number, and click "Submit payment".
If you indicated that you were mailing a check for the entire balance of the matter, you will see a balance of "$0" displayed for the matter but a note reading "Payments pending". For example:
If you expand the remittance row by clicking the downward arrow next to the client name, you can see more information about any pending check payments. In the example below, the attorney reported mailing a check (with Check #4578) to pay the $300 balance that was owed on Matter #423:
Once a network administrator confirms receipt of that check -- and confirms that it was for the correct amount -- the Remittance row is moved from the "Owed" view (accessed by clicking the "Owed" filter in the lefthand column) to the "Paid" view (accessed by clicking the "Paid" filter in the lefthand column), and there will be no balance or pending check payments on the matter.
The Remittance log that recorded you mailing the check and the check amount (e.g. "03/26/2018: Attorney indicated that they would remit $300 by Check #4578.") will also be updated with a new sentence indicating that a the network administrator confirmed the check and the amount.
Note that you can mail one check to pay for multiple remittances and the portal system will automatically show the network administrators how to distribute that check amount in accordance with what you entered into the "Your Payment" column for each remittance.
In the following example, say the attorney plans to write one check for $380 to cover their entire remittance balance. To do so, the attorney simply clicks the "Max" button to automatically fill the two fields under the "Your Payment" header with the proper amounts (in this case, $300 and $80). Next the attorney clicks "Pay" and follows the normal procedures for paying by check.
If the attorney reports the wrong Check #, check amount, or the check simply gets lost in the mail, a network administrator will log that information into the system and the balance will be updated accordingly. For example, if the attorney accidentally mailed a check for "$280" instead of "$380" in the above example, the network administrator could apply $80 of the $380 to pay off one remittance balance and then apply the remaining $200 to the other matter's balance, which would leave a $100 balance. Next time you logged into you account it would look like this (expanded):